
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Update about my Instagram pictures!

Here's a short update for some snippets from my instagram! Continue reading for pictures of pretty girls, dogs, and my trip to the doggystyle cafe at Nex!

 At irene's party! I attempted a smokey eye look. Pass/Fail?

 Went to Jayne's shop at Cineleisure! Go support her k? :)

Met up with Gen, Cher and their friends for a doggy session! Met Yun Wen, Jiayi and Romeo (daschund) Romeo has super smooth baby-like fur and I couldn't stop hugging or stroking his hair :)

Gen's Alaskan Malamute! Seriously massive huge like a wolf but Gen trained him really well. He has lots of character too! Gets angry when people eat his food, jealous when Gen talks and takes photos of other dogs, becomes aggressive to other male dogs until he can smell their butt. It was quite funny because all the owners had to carry their dogs and bring them to Caesar's snout and they were SHIVERING (the small ones) because they were so frightened!! Also weight SIXTY kg and attracted a crowd that day.

Super love this shot that Cher caught! Yuki the Samoyed :)
 I look awkward in this picture but it's because i didn't want to lift yuki's body and put her on my lap! So I had to curve instead hahah. That's Jiayi and Cher!

My favourite picture of Jasper... He's fifteen years old and has cancer and this lump on his throat :( But seriously he's an awesome pet. Doesn't bark, likes girls, and likes to sit next to you and not move. He also has cataract so he's slightly blind. He's also slightly deaf too. Really sad.

The funny story is that Jasper's owner also has another chihuahua called Allegra and she's just a puppy. But she WHORES herself and throws herself onto Jasper, sticking her butt in his face and everything!! Sometimes Jasper obliges and sometimes he just meh's her. Hahahah. So technically if human beings were left on their own, without any technology etc, that's a reflection of our primate self.

Want to see these photos in real time? Follow me on instagram! (click the icon on the right sidebar) :)

This is Marty.

And now for some EPIC pictures :P

I think you should click on the picture to see it in full view to get what I'm talking about!

and are you ready?

the most EPIC photo :P

Marty Flies!! :D

NBS Voice 2011!

 Started off this morning with a laugh because my classmates wore the same top (just a SHADE different) to class for our presentation. Without planning it. HAHA.

Had my presentation in class. Was nervous FOR the presentation too! Haha! The only time I wasn't nervous was when our teacher gave us a question to figure out. I stopped worrying then.


Thanks guys for motivating me and supporting me! I didn't tell many people to come down, only my closest pals in ntu but I'm so glad you guys made it. You know who you are!! :D

Thank you guys on twitter for all your enthusiasm and support!! When I was freaking out, I re-read all the tweets to calm myself down and it worked :)

I took a picture of them because I wanted to remember them forever :D


I get really bad stage fright, nauseous and stomach is sooo weird, everything is tense and choked up but am so glad it's over!

Had fun though! :)


We took a few photos because there was some photo booth thingy. Haha! 
Crystal was sick so she went back first. Hope you're feeling better :D

Came in 2nd!! :D Surprised and happy! Thought I sang 'Lucky' a little bit out of tune because it was so last min. Eeps.

 Its not only 10 bucks la hahaha it's hundred and fifty bucks but desmond and I split half!

 Glad I got the stage experience!!

And now.. for the moment you guys were waiting for...

The video :)

Was shaky in the beginning. I think the beginning sucked honestly. T_T Desmond was wayy better. More stable. I think I dragged our duet down. Crap. Why was I so pitchy?!!? Bleh. Urghh was nervous but that doesn't justify anything!! Learn from my mistakes. MUST! I think I got more confident after the 2nd min so can you guys watch from then onwards? HAHA. And just for you people who like to gossip spread rumours etc, no we are not together. We. Are. Friends. Fullstop. Yes E, friends.

Brother? Haha.

In NTU, where I am currently a student at, classmates are very competitive and hardworking.

I wouldn't say we are more 'kiasu' than students from the other two local universities but I'd say most of us chiong just before exams instead of burning the midnight oil every single night. Ok we do freak out for projects but not for tutorials.

Today I had my Strategic Management class and after class, I spoke to a classmate of mine whom I highly respect.

He's someone that really has an aura, I would say, of pride and he is very self-assured. Of course, he has reason to be.

Very gifted in understanding things quickly, even when the rest of the class doesn't understand, grades of course are top notch but it's not because he studies very hard. He has an amazing memory and, like I said, is able to understand and grasp the key concepts at lightning speed.

He always thinks before he speaks, is cultured, well-mannered, disciplined, everything.

I really look up to him, and no I am not interested in him, but when I talk to him,  I know he will be very successful in future.

And today he said something to me that made me really happy inside (imagine if an idol said this to you ok)

"I wish you were in my group man!"


And another part of the class where I was contributing an idea to support his and the teacher commented that as the shareholders of the company, why am I supporting the management?? And he said,

"She's my sister"


Great school life.

PS: Just to again clarify and assert, I am not interested in him, never was, never will be. Just in case any of you get the wrong idea. Hahah. We're friends.

Long to short to..?

Yes, that's me.
And yes I have long hair in the picture.

I cut my hair in October last year shortly after my birthday.

I've had long hair for quite a long time now, since year 1 of university which is about 2 years? And I was sick of it, plus I wanted to see if I could pull off short hair too! And of course there's a final reason, because I wanted to be more independent.

So on one impulsive day, I headed for a salon in 313 and cut my hair. But the stylist didn't do a good job -.-

My hair grew out a little, so in January I cut it again. This time, at Jean Yip, the Sengkang branch and it was much better.

So that's how I have my current, short hair.

This was also taken on the sentosa flowers day!

Recently, I decided that.. I don't want short hair anymore. Haha! Why?

Because of convocation!! I don't want short hair for convocation. Wearing that cassock gown thing and that hat thing with my short hair?!??

I'd wear a wig if I have to. I'm serious. Steph has many wigs.

Just might borrow one from her for convocation. Haha!

So I've decided to have longer hair for work, then I can curl it, and then dye it :D

Hope my hair grows faster! :D
It's already at the nape of my neck :)

Gerald to Tasmania!

Today us churchies had a final farewell dinner for gerald. The picture above was taken on saturday at timbre and we are missing brenda, carmelita and andrew in the pic -.- picture taken from angie's cam! my battery was dying.

Anyway. The group of us have stuck together since secondary three, and they're the closest people to me... literally. We all live near each other!

In fact, they're the only clique of friends I have that all live near me!

Hope Gerald comes back within 4 years. Our clique's not going to be the same without him. 4 years.. all of us would have changed. Started working or furthering our studies.

4 years.. I'd be 26. You know how much things can change in that span of time?! I could get married and even have a kid! Hahah.

Wish you all the best studying law in tasmania gerald! And we will miss you super super much hope you miss us too :D

Brother heads to Japan!

As I've mentioned in my previous 2 blog posts, my bro is off to Japan to work! So I made this book thingie for him, got glue all over my hands (adhesive glue. The white one that glue-sniffers sniff. I think I have some brain damage).

Here's some sneak peaks! :D

I love this front cover!

Think I prefer the left page to the right page. Oh well. Reason for the white piece of paper was because the glue on the page behind was making the paper ugly. Had to cover it up. Had nothing to write on the white piece of paper so I stuck stickers.

Damnit I screwed up the right page :(

One of the pages, not going to show you all the pages Mwahaha.

But I will show you my personalized page which is decorated by yours truly! Hope you don't try to figure out my scrawls. I didn't use macro on purpose :P

Hope my brother has an awesome time!

As promised!

Since I've uploaded a bunch of photos, here are some of them I'd like to share with you guys!

These are taken from like the 100+ photos I took with my JC clique when we met up on Thursday for Claire Ng's super belated birthday and Shirley's birthday+farewell for Norway dinner!

let's start off with a nice picture!

Trying out features, showed this to claire ng and she was like eww! even though it's her favourite colour! Guess beans should never be pink. Maybe the next time I eat prata I'll turn it pink too. Make you guys freak out and feel nauseous.

This is DELICIOUS! Ok not as nice as when I was in Japan, but when you go to Itacho Sushi at Ion, be sure to order this. I think they make it not bad! Introduced it to Ghis, Shirley and Claire Ng. It's called "Roasted Salmon" in the menu.

If you ever go to Japan, to Tsukuji Fish Market, it's normally called "Aburi Salmon". Look out for that!

Oh, and if you're wondering how come the middle piece is so big, it's because I used fisheye effect. Looks better!

Claire Ng's pretty extension nails!

I became so sporty!

Check out Ghislaine's BICEPS! HUGE RIGHT! I put my finger in the photo as a size guide!

Spoiler: Okay, it actually is this size but I used the fish-eye effect to enlarge it. LOL.

Alright folks that's it for a while. Got to keep some pictures to keep you all in suspense! I took fish-eyes of everyone so maybe one day I will have some fish-eye post and everyone can see the before and after effect! HAHA.

Side note, brother left for Japan this morning! I need to get more sleep but someone is doing some construction and it's irritating.

In 2009..

Taking this from Nat! Disclaimer! I have a really bad memory so I shall try to do this ok.

I confess that in 2009, I have....

( ) stayed single for the whole year
(x) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
( ) kissed in the rain
(x) had your heart broken
(x) broke someone else’s heart
(x) had a stalker (some freaky guy looked at my resume, added me on msn and urghh)
(x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship with someone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) had a relationship with someone you’ll never forget
(x) done something you’ve regretted
( ) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under a mistletoe
OTHERS( ) painted a picture
( ) wrote a poem (this reminds me. I haven't written one in so long)
( ) ran a mile (siao)
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(x) posted a blog
(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand
( ) went to a sleepover
(x) went camping (for a camp la)
(x) threw a surprise party (tried to, then decided to let cherlyn know so yeah)
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants (not so kua zhang la)
(x) visited a foreign country (korea and malaysia!)
(x) cut in a line of waiting people (as always!)
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t
( ) partied to celebrate the new year (no, but I will be spending NY's with someone I was with 365 days ago! :P )
(x) cooked a disastrous meal (ice cream??)
(x) lost something/someone important to you (don't know where carmelita went. sniff)

In 2009 I…

(x) broke a promise
(x) lied
(x) went behind your parents’ back
(x) cried over a broken heart
(x) disappointed someone close
(x) hid a secret
(x) pretended to be happy
(x) slept under the stars (sentosa, with you!)
( ) kept your New Year’s resolution
(x) forgot your New Year’s resolution
(x) met someone who changed your life
( ) met one of your idols
(x) changed your outlook on life
(x) sat home all day doing nothing
( ) pretended to be sick
(x) left the country
(x) almost died (last night, when we were jaywalking halfway and realized that a whole throng of cars were coming. we ran back to the pavement haha)
(x) given up something important to you (somehow i think i did. but i don't know what)
( ) lost something expensive
(x) learned something new about yourself (i am lucky!)
(x) tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it (i made green tea ice cream)
(x) made a change in your life
(x) found out who your true friends were
(x) met great people
(x) stayed up till sunrise
(x) cried over the silliest thing
( ) was never home on weekends
( ) got into a car accident (but I saw one right before my very eyes!)
(x) had friends who were drifting away from you
( ) had someone close to you die
(x) had a high cell phone bill (had to pay for it. sniff)
(x) spent most of your money on food (90% of my money goes to food)
( ) had a fist fight
(x) went to the beach with your best friend (with you dearie!)
(x) saw a celebrity (but so what? haha)
(x) gotten sick
( ) liked more than 5 people at the same time
(x) became closer with a lot of people
that's it? woah that was faster than ones that i've done before. OKAY! :D

Siao + Dec Hols 09

I was speaking to my friend from SMU, will not name her here in case somehow this blog is googled and some people from S-em-Yew will start asking me questions or make me take this down or something.

Anyway, she was lamenting that she knows so many people who are studying this december break. Studying for what? FOR NEXT SEMESTER'S SUBJECTS.

I went, "WHAT?! SIAO!"

And she agreed.

But because of the peer pressure (apparently there's some really smart nice guy who lets people photocopy his notes) she is rushing in line to photocopy senior notes ah (alot of people photocopied from him already)


Let me tell you how I spent my December holidays. Sure, I may not have fully utilized every single day, but bumming around works.

- Watched Dramas.
What dramas exactly? I finished Hot Shots (taiwanese!), watching Liar Game season 2 (its damn good if you like psychological thrillers), Ohitorisama (about this teacher falling in love), Shokujo Seira (about some princess who became a cinderella), what else did I watch? I watched Gokusen 3 THE MOVIE in the theatre. Hmmm, I'm sure I watched more but I can't remember. Caught up with the Gossip Girl episodes i missed out on while I was rushing for projects and stuff. And my Heroes! And How I met your Mother. Should catch up on Ugly betty. I am lagging one entire season.

- Tried to pack my room.
Yes I tried! And right now it is still in a state of mess, but after I finish blogging this entry I will pack it from 3pm to 5pm and afterwhich I will head to my relative's house for prayers and new year's dinnner! Oops I digressed.

- Ate Christmas foodies!
Love gatherings with families because not only do I see and eat good food, I also get to catch up with cousins (who, apart from these celebrations, I do not see during the year at all) But I haven't eaten any christmas log cakes though. Sad. And I haven't gotten a 2010 organizer, which I definitely need, to keep track of tuitions + project meetings and what not. I am digressing AGAIN.

- Quite happy with my tuition kid's results.
They look quite happy too! But I know I must push them harder so they can achieve better results. The girls' vocab needs to be improved but she is so lazy!

- Went to Malacca for the weekend!
With family! I acted like a tourist and took pictures, visited all the tourist spots, and saw my ANCESTOR's NAME on this plague because she donated money to the church or something. Try and see if you can find it :P And I ate lotsa good food and was happy, even though I slept quite little because of my cough.

- Ooh I almost forgot, I had a bad cough. Haha. But it's gone now! And i didn't even see the doctor! Woohoo!

- Cindy did a merlion on me. It was gross. Ok she did not PUKE on me, but she choked on her green tea and she blerughshdhh it all out. On the table la. I wasn't the target. Thankfully. She told me that she once choked and splurted on mel. And mel was damn pissed. I'd be damn pissed also la. I saw the range of her splurt. Haha!

- Walked from Wheelock to Dhoby! I kind of like doing that.

- Sang Christmas songs in Church. I like doing that. And thankfully my cough was mostly gone so I could actually sing and sound would come out.

- Met up with my JC pals and some friends!

- Gave tuition

- Rachel went to America/Canada! (America first then Canada later)

- Was part of the Youth Olympic Games Friendship Camp. Super fun, learnt about other cultures, other countries, was great!!

- aaaaaaandddd.. Of course I save the best for last. Went out and spent time with Kenny! Who had to tolerate my long hours of project meetings and lots of studying therefore cannot spend time with him, during the semester. HUGS. I'm still waiting for our next squash game. Hopefully it will be tomorrow. Hur!!

How I met... Wong.

"Wong come to Canteen twee ok!"
"Ok! See you guys there!"
** Twee is pronounced as Twea.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Wong misinterpreted the message as Canteen A (it sounds like A) but Mandy meant it as Canteen 2 (which is twee in dutch).

Wong walks all the way to Canteen A, only to find J and C eating subway together.

"Hey J! Where's Mandy and Jois?"
"They're at Canteen 2!"
"Oh. Oh shit man!"

Hahahahhah. Funniest. Shit. Ever.

What makes it funnier was that Cherlyn bumped into Wong the day before, and thought he was kinda cute. And she told J that he was cute, and W told J that he saw a cute girl the same day. J put two and two together and all of us laughed our butts off.

The beginning! Haha.

Halfway around the world, and it still can be felt.

ALOT of drama happened in Year 1 Semester 2, you have no idea. One day I will blog it out properly, or I'll just decide to write a book. It is THAT long, THAT complicated.

There are many reasons why I'd prefer NOT to stay in hall this semester. Too many memories, which should be left in the Hall 8, Blk **-*-*** room, and staying in that room will just remind me of everything, and miss everyone much more.

Next semester will be different. I will have to travel 1.5hours to and from school, and Cherlyn may not be there, Vijay won't be there, I'm planning to get my time-table by myself..

It'll be like going to a new school.. sorta. Thanks for the memories guys. I loved the 5am chats, the sound of people playing mahjong downstairs, my very own small staircase, the valentine's day and birthday surprises, chinese new year louhei in my room!

Yeahhhh. And of course, all the people dropping by randomly. Thank you. :) All of you made my semester more interesting! And there are some things I regret, most things, I treasure. If you know what I mean! :P

Let's just say that I know it was purposely put on facebook, because that's where the world can view it, and let's just say that the effect can still be felt halfway around the world. But I swear, I will not let anything affect me.. soon. Why does it still affect me?! I don't know.

Chapter closed.
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