Best selfie digital camera - Casio Exilim TR60 review and new features
Not too long ago, I blogged about how I loved Casio's TR35, which I felt was THE best selfie camera at that time. I even brought it along with me to Taiwan to test some of its capabilities in landscape and low light scenery shots and the shots turned out really good!
Fast forward to a few years later and somehow, Casio outdid herself again. She has created the mother of all selfie cameras, with features that are designed to impress even the most experienced camwhore. -shifty eyes- That picture above? Taken with the new camera.
Behold, the Casio Exilim TR60(s).

The new model comes in four colours - Green (seems more minty to me), Pink, Violet and White. There are a couple new features added compared to their previous model, and these are so amazing I just had to share them!
- Auto send photos to your phone via Bluetooth/Wifi
If you're wondering why influencers have such nice photos on instagram, one major factor is the camera that's used. It's no secret that the photos with amazing quality get the most likes! Influencers typically transfer pictures taken on their camera to their phone to be uploaded. Now that you're in on this secret, I'll tell you another one - the Casio TR60 can transfer your photos seamlessly.
You can bulk select photos you want to send to your phone and transfers are sooo fast!! You'll need to install the EXILIM app first though.
Here's a shot with the pretty Emily! Totally instagrammable.
- Control the camera remotely
Once you've paired the camera to your phone, your phone can act as a 'remote control' and assist you in taking photos! This can apply to full length selfies (technically you're taking a photo of yourself) or, for selfie sticks when you're with a big group of friends.
This feature is super cool in my opinion, If I'm not mistaken, this is the first and only selfie camera that can do this 'link-up with your phone' function!! It is also perfect for solo travels when you can't get someone to take a photo for you.
PSST! You can view, select and even edit your photos on your phone even when the camera is switched off!
PSST! You can view, select and even edit your photos on your phone even when the camera is switched off!
- Variety of in-built filters
Whenever a camera comes with in-built filters, you... play around with them and see which surroundings suit them the most. One customizable feature is that you can set how fair or dark you want your pictures to look, and how flawless/glowy your skin will turn out in your photos! Adjustments come in 12 varying levels and 6 skin tone levels. Which is definitely more that what you'd ask for. Here are some shots I took with the filters!
High Key: For natural lighting. Note that Macro mode managed to capture the details on my bracelet!
Foggy: For softer, misty days
Fairy: Because you want to look like a princess
Nostalgia: Sentimental, much?
Vivid: Makes colours pop
Square: This was created just for Instagram lol
Impressed yet? That's not all.
- Long Battery Life
The Casio TR60 has an incredible battery life! It takes about 240 shots and continued playback of approx 3 hours and 40 mins. Movie time would be approx 55 mins. 240 selfies a day anyone?
A shot in low-light, our complexion looks amazing even so!
I like how details aren't lost despite the brighter lights. I only charged the TR60 once a week.
- Intuitive pad for easy toggle
Did you notice the pretty sparkly gem surrounding the camera's lens?? I love it!!
One of the new features to note in the Casio Exilim TR60 is its new intuitive Selfie Pad. This sensor can toggle between various functions such as zoom or Selfie Art mode by just sliding your finger along the frame! Now you can make quick adjustments without having to view the main menu. Super convenient btw.
- Everything else is awesome
Photo with Fenyx, who is incredibly photogenic!
Just like her predecessors, the Casio TR60 is light and fits snugly into any lady's handbag or clutch. Some of my friends even mistook this for a phone!
Verdict? Absolutely love love love the cam!
Thanks Nicole, Peiling and the Casio team for the camera! Also thanks to TJ, Fenyx, Emily and Ng Ju Ann for photo appearances lol.
For more pictures taken with the Casio Exilim TR 60, check out my Singapore Airlines Turf Club event!

Woah I think this is the post with the most selfies hahaha. Be sure to check out the Casio TR60 when you can! The Casio Exilim EX-TR60 is made in Japan and is available at selected Casio authorised retailers such as Best Denki and Harvey Norman at suggested retail price of S$1,299.