My computer is kaput, and other news
A million apologies for the lack of updates... my desktop computer is completely spoilt and I've been trying to fix it to no avail!!I had to dig out the laptop I used in university and it's RIDDEN with viruses even though I've already ran scans using Malware Bytes. All of it started when I downloaded a chinese software, now I can't get rid of it. Sigh.

Many thanks to HTC for the Butterfly S which has an AMAZING battery life!! I don't even have to bring a spare charger or cable out anymore. It lasts THE WHOLE DAY and I'm constantly on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. The Zoe camera mode allows you to remove objects from the picture, and there are a lot of in built editing functions like slimming your face, filters that you can make use of!!

During the week, my rabbit Squishy broke her nail. I was so worried but after constant reassuring from my friend who's a vet and other rabbit owners, I relaxed and decided to let it drop off. Bought antiseptic spray and powder just in case, and that same night the nail dropped off and I saw some dried blood! Poor Squishy must've been in pain :(

If you've been following me on Twitter and my Facebook page, you'll know I dressed up as a sorceress for my company's DnD recently with my hair styled by Aqua Hair Korean Salon. Stay tuned for more pictures!

Attended the 2013 Johnny Walker Circuit Lounge party and might have had a bit too much whisky that night but how could you not when it was in ice cream form or mixed into a delicious concoction??

Big shout out to FIJI Water for sponsoring me a carton of water. Thank you!! I think FIJI Water tastes best, cold.

Congratulations Yongli and Rachel on their marriage!! The food was delicious!!!

Oh, and I also found a new boyfriend. Hahahah.
See you guys soon! Have to buy a new desktop $$ goodbye.