20th Emirates Singapore Derby
How time flies!! I was just attending the previous turf club event and now it's already the Emirates Singapore Derby, celebrating 20 years of fashion and excitement! Was told that people dress up most for the Emirates Derby, so I got a new fascinator to grace the occasion.
Pretty epic right? I love it to bits. Hope no one realises if I re-wear it in future.
Anyway, during this event, I noticed that all Emirates stewardesses have amazing smiles. Pearly white, wide, happy smiles. I want one.
The Emirates Derby, sponsored by Emirates of course, continues to hold the unprecedented honour of being the longest-standing sponsor in Singapore's racing history. The big race for the day was a 4 year old 2000m - Short Course of S$1,150,000!
Hehe thanks Jessie for hosting us! If you're wondering, yes I curled and bunned my hair myself. It took me like 30 mins to an hour because my hair kept straightening!!
Did you know that there are currently 1,318 horses, 25 licensed trainers and all of them are located at the Kranji Turf Club?? Their stables can accommodate over 1,600 horses at one time. Races are held on most Friday nights and Sunday afternoons if you want to go check them out.
Buffet this time in the marquee was mostly curry and indian cuisine! I preferred the western one at the previous event :X There's also an assortment of sushi and salad but I couldn't snap a picture as they were all messy. Next time!
The Marquee was having a lucky draw to win a Chopard ballpoint pen! If you managed to guess the winning horse correctly and your name is picked from the lucky mix, you win one! Think it's worth $500 or something. This pen isn't mine ahaha. It's soo pretty though.
For one of the races, we had the amazing experience of being RIGHT IN FRONT of the stand!!

The hottest couple that day IMO. Wish there was a full-length of them but I couldn't find any haha.
Above photo credits: Singapore Turf Club
Check out these sexy horse butts. Can't get any toner than that.
Us taking advantage of the great positioning haha. Usually the horses start at the other side of the track.
The gunshot was fired and away they ran!! I could only snap one picture, wish I was 0.5s later so I could see them galloping. Oh well next time!

With Yvette! Isn't her pink hair just gorgeous??
Sorry for the grainy picture but I just had to take a picture with Bobby Tonelli and post it here. He was the official emcee in the Committee room! #sorrynotsorry
After I took this picture I realised for the first time, that there was a lake in the middle of the track. Yup didn't realise that even though I've been here like 5x or something. It is used to water the grass and all!

Have never flown on Emirates lol. Heard many positive reviews though!

Each of us received an Emirates bag with a teddy bear, a visor, a passport holder and travel wallet. Awesome!
Thanks Jessie, Dominic and team for the invite :) Looking forward to the next one!
If you're interested to host corporate events at the Turf Club for a unique experience, click here to find out more!