Travelogue: Tebasaki wings Nagoya's famous food for dinner
Tebasaki. Soooo good.
The evening after visiting the girls at Kinjo Gakuin University, I went to Nagoya main station to meet my friends for dinner! I wanted to try Tebasaki, which is deep fried chicken wings, and is one of Nagoya's must try signature dishes, so they searched for a famous one :D Being nice, I will share it with you hahah.
どて家西口店 (Doteya Nishi Guchi Ten)
Sun Nagoya Noritake Buld. 2F 2-3-2 Noritake Nakamura-ku
Nagoya city Aichi
愛知県名古屋市中村区則武2-3-2 サン・ナゴヤ則武ビル2F
Just copy and paste it into Google Maps and you'll be able to navigate it smoothly!
One thing I reaaaally dislike about Izakaya's in Japan is that they can smoke indoors :( It made my clothes, hair everything stink and made me want to finish eating as soon as possible so I could get out. Everyone around us was smoking. We quickly ordered and waited about 20minutes before our food came trickling in. In the meantime, we camwhored.
Left: Sari, Middle: Me, Right: Junko! I hadn't seen Sari in like, forever (almost 5 years) and she lost so much weight!! Also she has long hair now so different! When we knew each other we were all still students, but now we're all working adults. Insane!
Japanese sausages, some were spicy so we had to guess the flavours lol. It was reaaally good. Or maybe I was just hungry.
Fried prawns. These reminded me of wasabi prawns that we have in Singapore! The prawns were really fresh though :) So-so gyoza in the background. Oh, and beer is like, a must with tebasaki, fried stuff and all.
Potato salad! Having some carbs are a must.
More salad! Sari is watching her diet so more greens I guess.
The highlight: Tebasaki chicken wings!!! These were slightly sweet but the meat was really tender! Ordered extra servings of these hahah. You have to eat the Tebasaki wings in one mouthful. Super good. Worth going to Nagoya just to have this?? Yes.
Think we're pretty pro at it haha!
As mentioned, I wanted to get out of the Izakaya as soon as possible because of the smoke so we went to Denny's which was nearby. It had a smoking and non smoking corner, and the sections were separated by a glass door so the smell wasn't too bad.
Sari was introducing me to popular japanese make up products and I ended up buying her recommended eyeshadow! Have been using it ever since.
Junko! She's a great housewife material. Cooks awesome meals, independent, caring and hardworking, 10/10 man. Then we started to take photos to make up for lost time.
We make a good titanic couple.
Why are japanese women so fair?!!? Okay I know it's the sunblock but I am so envious!!
After talking about old times and getting an update on each others lives, Yuhei came. He was positively starving (think it was like 10pm??) and he came straight from work.
That's him gulping down his meal. Think he started smoking since the last time I saw him, which was also about 5 years ago?
Junko's crazy huge sundae that she shared with Sari.
My hokkaido ice cream dessert! The green tea was quite bitter but that was balanced out by the rich vanilla. I was surprised at how good it was!
Our reunion shot!
Everyone smiling happily here :) Til next time, Nagoya!
Oh had to take our mandatory shot.
It was pretty chilly outdoors hence the layers and scarf. When it's indoors it's quite hot so I usually take off all the extra layers. So troublesome!

I put the previous photo here for comparison. Pardon the crap resolution when digital cameras were just starting out and this was 5 megapixels. The photo was taken when we met up 5 years ago! See how much we've changed?? I think I look the same just with more makeup now.
Edit: Okay my face has definitely gotten rounder. Damnit.
Thanks for reading! Come back soon to find out more about my onsen trips in Gifu!