Hello Kitty Land, Malaysia - Part 1
In December last year, a few of my fellow Hello Kitty loving friends and I went to Hello Kitty Land for a day trip! We bought a Groupon for the bus ride there and back but the service by the travel agency was reaaally bad, the coordination and planning between the Singapore travel agent and the Malaysian travel agent was terrible. We were stuck at Hello Kitty Land because they didn't have a bus for us to board!! In the end they had to squeeze us in by asking some parents to carry their children on their laps.Enough of horrible travel agencies, onward to cuteness and happiness which was why we went there in the first place!

Onward to Malaysia!

It wasn't very crowded when we reached, so we couldn't help ourselves and started the cam-whoring in front of the ticketing booth.
Just to set expectations, Hello Kitty Land is unlike Lego Land, Universal Studios, or even Disneyland. If you want excitement, thrills and spins, this definitely isn't the place. Most of the people there were either fans of Hello Kitty (hence dragged their boyfriend's along) or wanted to bring their children for a fun day out. However, this one-storey attraction is air-conditioned and filled with activities for you to enjoy!
Also, before you judge me (it's going to happen sooner or later), let me explain my outfit for the day! Above, you see me in a white sweater and pink shorts. Below, you'll realise that I'm actually in a Hello Kitty pink jumpsuit, which comes with a Hello Kitty hoodie.
Why does she have this?! You may wonder. It's actually a birthday present from my japanese pen pal, she thought that I would look cute in it, so I thought it was apt for Hello Kitty Land! I'm not wearing this in Singapore, so why not wear it in Malaysia when no one will recognise me? Hurhur.
Let me act cute for once k?
#1: Hello Kitty's house!
Our first stop was Hello Kitty's pretty house, where you're encouraged to take photos of everything!
Every room had Hello Kitty's watermark, there was something to feel and touch, and it was exciting because every room was differently designed so you never knew what was coming up next. Let's step inside and pretend you're a child again and make believe!

How adorable is this Hello Kitty portrait?!

Welcome to Hello Kitty's home! Here's a Hello Kitty desktop frame and a Hello Kitty game for you to play with!

Accompanied by some music on the piano :D

Join us for a Hello Kitty tea party?

I promise I will whip up a nice meal! :)
After your meal you can take a long bubble bath in this awesome bathtub

Toiletries provided!

Feel free to take any clothes you like

and dress up til you're picture perfect!

Even the human toilets are decorated.

Stay tuned for the rest of the Hello Kitty Land journey! :)