Spotted: Up and about.
There are a number of events I've been invited to attend, but I wasn't required to blog or write about it. Thought I would just share some pictures that were snapped. Make every day count too!
The Esquire launch party with Jason Godfrey, Zurina Bryant, Linda Black, Paula Robinson and Paul Foster.
Everyone in this picture has an awesome surname.

Bad resolution picture of us during Magnum's new ice cream flavor's launch.

Johnny Walker Circuit Lounge party at Gardens by the Bay.

Enough black and dark pictures! Now to another side of me... the japanese loving side.

At Jcosmeland!
Tsubasa Masuwaka is coming to Singapore on 8th December! Unfortunately, I will not be in Singapore on that day. More details about this will be released soon!
After the event, I decided to let my hair down. Couldn't decide which is better.

Oh and a picture from this year's Natsumatsuri. Squeeze hug!

Ending with the newest addition to the family!!
Introducing my albino white rabbit named Squishy! No I do not squish her, but I like to cuddle her and give her back rubs. I feel really protective over my little baby. She's a little dwarf rabbit and I bought her for $100. Sometimes her pink/red eyes freak me out for a split second when they reflect light but I still love her all the same.

She nibbles on my fingers whenever my hand smells of food or fruits. She licks my hand whenever she's happy :)

How can you not love this adorable face?! Right I started this entry with event pictures and ending it with bunny pics. I apologize for the cuteness overload.